What a crazy/fun/active/family-filled weekend we had!
I'm exhausted, but it was all worth it.
It all started on Friday night when I had a final rehearsal with Wa Nour al Ayun (dance company that I am part of). We had a performance on Saturday and needed to do a final run through and dress rehearsal. I put miss Z down to bed at 9:00 PM and arrived to practice at 10:00 PM (yup you read that right - when you have a bebe, these are your rehearsal times,lol). We didn't realize how much work had to be done so rehearsals ran until 3 AM! By then we were less graceful and starting to resemble zombies..
The next morning I had an early start in preparation for the event. It was hair and makeup then off to the Miami- Dade Cultural Center and Library. By the time I arrived (11ish) the sun was BLAZING! I was escorted back stage aka the Library's office and asked to be ready to perform in 15. The turn out was excellent and I was so excited to see all the activities they had setup for the kids. Although I never found her, I heard even Mother Goose was there to read to the kiddies.

Moments after we were escorted to the stage and our song came on... that's when all traces of happiness came to a hault. It turned out that due to the scorture that was Miami and the lack of tent or shade, the dance floor was like an oven top. I remember at one point during my first song I told myself... "I can't handle this, I can't handle this ... will anyone notice if I just walk off stage". When the set had finished and I limped in pain back to the office, I was greeted with fat blisters all over the bottom of my feet. It was miserable but the show had to go on. Luckily we all brought our rehearsal dance shoes and were able to salvage our feet during the next set.
As we were getting ready to go back on, M and my squishy showed up!
Z had so much fun looking at all the sights and getting lots of loving from her dance aunties.
That night we celebrated M's mom's birthday at a restaurant in the Hollywood Beach Boardwalk. The night was so beautiful and breezy. Zoe was exhausted from all the fun.
On Sunday we started off our day with a class at Gymboree. Sundays at Gymboree is our new favorite, the place is DEAD! Z had her very own private class!! We had so much fun.
Good morning! Time to see Gymbo! |
Then it was off to the mall to look for a dress for Z to wear to my sister's wedding next week.What a mission!! It's like they don't make evening wear for babies under 12 months. We did end up getting a g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s gown from JCP and I cant wait to show her off in it!
That evening we had a BBQ at my aunt's house. Everyone is starting to arrive for the wedding and the excitement is building!